Monday, April 4, 2022

My Review of Dashing Diva Gel Strips

During COVID, when the world shut down, and you couldn't get your hair "did" or your nails done at the salon, I was pretty content that I didn't have those problems. I get my hair trimmed like twice a year, and if I couldn't go for a year, it would be okay. I've done my nails, myself, my whole life, reserving trips to the nail salon for special occasions, or when I just wanted to "treat" myself. 

But recently, I discovered something that has changed the way I do my nails, and I'm thrilled to tell you about it...

Some of the many things I hated about doing my own nails were the dry time, getting my nails smudged and the fact that the polish would start to chip sometimes that very same day! I wash my hands several times a day, so it wasn't uncommon for me to ruin my manicures. I was painting my nails two to three times in one week. Who has time for all that? 

On the rare times I did go to the nail salon, I found it to be too time consuming and expensive, over time. Last month, when I tried Dashing Diva, it was the solution to everything. Every. Thing!

Dashing Diva offers many options to do your nails in the convenience of your home. I have only tried the Gloss strips. They come in a variety of colors and designs. You can mix and match each pack to suit  your creativity and your preference. What I love most about them is that I can do my nails in about 10 minutes, there is no dry time, no smudging and NO need for nail polish remover. That's right! I can remove the nail strips by peeling them off. And because I'm just peeling them off and not using nail polish remover, there are no more stains on my hands or nails. Where has Dashing Diva been my whole life?

These are the ones I've done so far...

Each pack costs only $7, and  you can get two manicures from just one pack. I've also found a buy two get one free deal from Walgreens, and I've found $4 packs at Marshalls. They promise to last up to 14 days, but to be completely honest, I have not worn them for that long. I have been so anxious to try the many different designs, so I have worn each set for as long as five days. And five days later, they still look great!

Day 1

Day 5

I've even worn the nail strips on my toes. They do make specific ones for pedicures, but I've found the ones for my fingers come with additional larger strips that are the perfect size for my toes. I've been wearing those for well over two weeks, and my toes still look great.

I love when I discover new things that save me time and money and make my life easier.  I may never buy or use another bottle of nail polish ever again. 

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