Sunday, July 31, 2016

Why Hillary Gives Me Hope and Inspiration

I don't usually do politics. I avoid talking about it in social gatherings because like education, religion and parenting, it can get people all "riled up" and emotional.  But never since Barack Obama have I been this fired up and hopeful about the upcoming elections.  I can agree that while both candidates may not appear to be "perfect," and I may not 100 percent agree with their policies or campaign tactics, one thing propels me to make my decision. And that is the candidate's character. Period. Let me be more clear.  It's their core values, it's what they stand for, it's who they're fighting for, it's who they've been all their life, it's their past activism. It's their character...

I don't consider myself a Democrat, or a Republican. I don't claim any particular political party.  I can't because I don't focus on or follow politics all that much. But to be fair, I've watched both the Republican and the Democratic National Conventions (DNC) these past two weeks.

Hillary Clinton inspires me. Watching her speech, and many others at the DNC, gave me goose bumps and made me emotional, yes, but most of all gave me hope.  Forget the fact that she's making history as the first woman EVER to be chosen to run for president.  It's historical.  And great. It's huge! Sorry I couldn't resist. But aside all that, it's her character and life long service to what matters...who matters...that speaks to my heart.

Three things stand out to me from Hillary's speech. First, the idea of always standing up for yourself. Hillary mentioned that as a young child, she was afraid to face bullies.  But because of her mom, she had to face them and figure it out even when she so desperately wanted to run away. Second, service to your country. Hillary could have worked for any big law firm after graduating law school, but her servant's heart led her to go door to door to serve her fellow Americans who were in need. Third, Hillary cares, and she never forgets who she's fighting for.  There have been so many testimonies during the DNC that proved that without anyone cameras or videos being captured...Hillary shows up, and she cares. There was one story in particular of a young woman who was injured during the 9-11 attacks. She had lost the use of her legs, but Hillary was there to support and encourage her, even on her wedding day. Solidifying the central theme of her campaign...the idea that together, we are stronger.

And who can forget some of these memorable quotes from last week...

I think this is an exciting election season, and I can't wait to see what happens in the upcoming months.  When I think of Hillary's speech, I can't help but think about tomorrow and my return to work and a brand new school year.  I think about the main points of her message, and I can't help but reflect on them as I return to school.

So as I think of this upcoming year and all the challenges and growth I will face yet again, Hillary has inspired me to remember the following.  First, to teach my students to always stand up for themselves. When they feel afraid, when they want to cower to bullies, when they feel taken advantage of, they must empower themselves, and face their challenges by figuring it out. Second, serve my students. All of them. Even the ones who make it hard to do so. As a teacher, I want to remember to have a servant's heart and to be there for each and every one of my students, and to teach them, not only academics, but life skills to make them successful in their future. And finally, I want to never forget who I'm fighting for. As the students enter my classroom, from all walks of life and socioeconomic backgrounds, I want to always remember why I chose to be a teacher. That when days get tough, because they will, I will remind myself to focus on what's important. And that's the students. Not the assessments. Not the daily meetings. Not the million and one things we have to do that take away from planning lessons and being a teacher.  Not the policies or procedures that I may not agree with. I want to remember to not take it personally when a student has a negative attitude, but to instead focus on the positives. Every day.

I loved Hillary's speech, and I think it was so uplifting and timely as I begin another school year.

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