Friday, April 10, 2015

It's Just the Little Things

Sometimes don't you find that it's just the little unexpected things that make you happy?

I do.

Like this morning, for example. Waking up to cloudy skies with the threat of an incoming storm forced me to slow down, stay indoors, and just take it easy! Slowing down is good.

Because I was able to slow down, I got a chance to wrap a birthday present for a special friend. Yes, it's way easier to put a present in a gift bag with some tissue paper when you're in a rush.  But.  I find it way more special to take the time to wrap a present and put a bow on it! That makes me happy.

And then I received a special delivery! I had been expecting it, and I knew it was on the way, but it still made me just a teeny bit happy to get it. The story all started here, and I can't wait to get immersed in this group and start reading our first book!

Looking forward to more of life's "little things" and blessings that make one's journey that more purposeful.

Happy Friday!

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