Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Date Night

For date night, we've been going to the same restaurant almost every week...

Some people may say that would get boring, but we've found that we have to do what works best for us and our family. So every week, while Buddy Roller goes to karate, we use that time and have a date.  Most times, we walk two minutes from the dojo to a nearby restaurant and over appetizers and drinks, we talk about our day without any distractions or interruptions from our 12 year old.

Last week, we felt like changing things up a bit. So after taking Buddy Roller to karate, we drove to a new Chinese restaurant, ordered take-out and then sat in the car and talked and ate. One evening, we walked across the street to the park and had dinner from one of the food trucks. Another night, we could make or buy sandwiches and eat on a picnic table at the park. Other times, we could just go for a walk on the trail.  

The place, or the fact that we may have been there last week, doesn't matter. What's important is that we make time for us.  Some people may say they don't have the time or money for date night. The truth is, there is a way. Sometimes with a little creativity and thought, you can make it happen. 

Like my pastor at Victory Church said last week, make some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and date your spouse at home. That works!

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