Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Shirley Temples and My Wishes for 2022


Happy New Year! I know it's been a while since we've talked. As always, I let life get in the way, but here we are again, AND here's what I want in 2022...

You know me, I can't keep resolutions. I fail at working out all year long, and I look at the dessert menu first, so there's no hope for me when it comes to eating well. But I'm good at making lists, and I've gotten really good at setting an intention for a period of time. 

Since I've been off from school for over two weeks, I've really had a chance to think. Funny how life is. When you're really busy, you can go from one thing to the next, on auto pilot, without even reflecting on the meaning of life. That's what resonated with me this break. The fact that I don't make time to do that enough. And I realized this must change. 

The other night, I had a Shirley Temple when we ate out for dinner. I haven't had one of these in years, and it was so good. Simple, yet it made me happy. I'm going for more of that this year!

For 2022, I want to do more of the following:

1. Take the call. I ignore a lot of phone calls because I don't always feeling like talking at certain times of the day. I've changed my mind on that. I'll explain more in the next post.

2. Say YES (!!!) to new opportunities and experiences. I've been dreaming of a career change for some time, and now that Buddy Roller has one more school year left in middle school, it's time. I dream of doing something more creative that involves writing and working remotely. I'm open to something new, and I'm putting these words out into the universe for the right opportunity to come my way. This applies to new experiences, too! I'm going to start saying YES to trying new things instead of (always) talking myself out of moments that can be life changing.

3.  Be present. I've gotten pretty good at this.  Now if I can only get those around me to do the same. Have you noticed everywhere you go folks are just glued to their screens? I think this is a pandemic!

4. Quote more scriptures. As someone who continues to struggle with fear, I want to be able to quote powerful scriptures, on command, to help me in my time of need. I've found some really great ones so far like Isaiah 43:2, Joshua 1:9 and Psalm 91.

5. No square pegs in round holes. I'm keeping this one because it's been a game changer for me. When I stick to this, decisions are so easy to make. I have to thank The Hubs for this one. I stole it from him.

Of course, I'll continue to value and treasure time with family and friends, I'll keep learning life lessons from the challenges I face, and I'll remember to see the good in all the bad.  I'm ready 2022!

Happy New Year to you! Here's to another amazing year with more Shirley Temples!

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