Monday, March 17, 2014

The Irony of Board Games

The Settlers of Catan - My most favorite so far :-)

This is the story of
How board games have become a very
Enjoyable part of my life.

I've played Monopoly, Scrabble to name a few...though
Reading and watching movies were all that I knew.
One day that would change as I'm about to tell you,
Never in a million years did I think this could come true.
You see, we met a friendly couple and now things are like new. By exposing us to board games, they've broadened our view.

         Ticket to Ride
Over the past year, we developed a fellowship.
From The Settlers of Catan and Ticket to Ride, from Bang to Pandemic we've grown a friendship.

Both humble and generous they are.
Over here or over there, it matters not.
Around the table is where we most often end up.
Rarely, I played board games before I met them.
Daily is how often I now want to play them.

Pandemic - Great game for a cooperative and collaborative group
Games I had never heard of, seen, or even dreamed I would like,
And now it seems I can't wait for the next time; I'm psyched!
Me? Loving and playing these games?
Enthusiastically and eagerly? Yes!
So thank you Jason and Anita for sharing your love of these really fun and entertaining games.

Bang - Another favorite :-)

1 comment:

Jason Smith said...

Thanks for the shout out! Can't wait for the kids to be old enough to play along, it is such a nice way to spend time with family and friends while actively engaged with each other. Looking forward to our next game :)