Tuesday, September 21, 2021

The Hubs' Five Tips for a Strong Marriage

Today marks 19 years the Hubs and I have been married. Nineteen!!!

When I was younger and a newlywed, I used to think people who were married for 19 years were old.  And now that I've been married for 19 years, not only do I not feel old, but I realize those people had an upper hand.  You see, when you're married for that long, you learn a lot about living with and sharing a life with another person. 

It hasn't been smooth sailing or perfect. And anyone who says it's all bliss is probably lying!  Some days are harder than others, but luckily there are far more happier days than miserable ones. Thank God!

We both took the day off from work and just hung out. We didn't do anything elaborate. When you're married this long, it's the simple things that matter most. We had breakfast at home. I prepared eggs over medium, with toasted Cuban bread smothered in butter, and an assortment of fresh pineapple, honeydew melon and strawberries.  Then we headed to Midtown and strolled the beautiful and lush Atlanta Botanical Garden.

On the way there I asked the Hubs, "What, do you think, are five tips for a healthy marriage?"

"Agree with your wife, agree with your wife, agree with your wife, agree with your wife and agree with your wife," he said while laughing out loud.

I totally agree, by the way!

Then he got serious.  He pondered a few seconds, and after several minutes of explaining and going around and around...yes he can be long-winded at times...I give you his five tips for a strong marriage. 

1. Agree with your spouse.

2. Be a better listener.

3. Be honest without hurting feelings. 

4. Be consistent with spending quality time together - go on a date each week.

5. Make intimacy a priority. 

After 19 years, I think it's fair to say we've both learned a few things on how to do life better.  We've certainly come a long way as we struggled, like most married couples do, during the first few years of marriage. Our church, as I've often said, has been instrumental in making us stronger, and we are so grateful to our pastors at Victory Church for that. 

So now that we've hit year 19, is it smooth-er sailing from here? It should only get easier, right? 

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