Sunday, October 15, 2017

Treasure the Moments - The Bubble Run

Initially the boys weren't so happy about an early morning race!

I truly credit this book with reminding me of something important. Do the things that make you happy, even if you're initially met with resistance (from your family!)...

A picture tells a thousand words, and at first, The Hubs and Buddy Roller weren't thrilled about getting up early, on a Saturday, to do a race. Even if it involved bubbles and lots of soap suds! the end all those frowns and protests turned into laughs and giggles. It also helped that some special friends came along. Bubble Run was a hit!


In the end, we all had a good time. There's even talk about doing another event in November...The Great Inflatable Race. See...feeling good, laughing, and doing the things that make you happy is contagious!

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