Friday, February 6, 2015

And the Mystery Reader Is...

Me!!!! I'm the mystery reader this week at Buddy Roller's school!!!

I've been waiting for months to do this, and Roller's been asking me repeatedly, "Mommy when are you going to be the mystery reader?" Also, "What treats are you going to bring us?" And, "You know, you don't have to bring us treats."

So, earlier today with picture books and treats, of course, in tow, I visited the most adorable elementary school kids and read to them. When I was ushered into the classroom by teacher extraordinaire, Mrs. Woodard, all the kids were waiting for me, criss-cross apple sauce on their classroom rug, their eyes tightly shut as they repeated over and over again, "Mystery reader, who could it be. Mystery reader, read to me." So cute! And then when they were instructed to open their eyes, a very excited Buddy Roller screamed, "Mommy, mommy!!!"  It was awesome!

I was able to read, not one, but three books to Mrs. Woodard's class...Olivia Goes to Venice, Chilly Milly Moo, and Pete the Cat and the Magic Sunglasses.  They were crowd pleasers! I truly enjoyed my time in Roller's classroom and wish I could do that more.

As we made our way out of the school, I couldn't help but snap some photos of Roller strolling through the hallways.

Beautiful and creative paper dolls made by students showing their culture and heritage were displayed in the hallway.

And once we got back to the car, Roller got his second surprise of the day. His favorite sugar cookie from Barnes and Noble Cafe! This kid loves him some sugar cookies!

And by the way, did you happen to notice the sun setting this evening? Wasn't it just peacefully beautiful?

Have an amazing weekend! 

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