Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Put a Little Love in Your Heart

Don't you find that doing the little things for others makes you a little bit happier inside?

It does for me.

Since it's Valentine's Day this week, my AP thought it would be a good idea to spread a little love and cheer to the faculty and staff in the building. We were told to grab a few red paper hearts and spread words of encouragement and love to each other.

What a great idea!

I was on board immediately; you don't have to ask me twice!

I wrote several notes to our office clerks, our literacy and math coaches, and even our counselor.

I enjoyed writing the notes, and you know what?

Those who received the notes said it made their day!

So go ahead.

Put a little love in someone's heart.

It'll bring a smile to their face.

And make you happier too!

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