Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Each Day's Promise

Don't you just love the promise of a new day?

As I was driving to school this morning, I caught a beautiful glimpse of the sun just peeking through the clouds trying to shine the brightest light ever on this day.

I couldn't quite capture the moment I wanted as I was driving. But as soon as I made it to school, I snapped the picture above.

Each day brings with it a new promise.

A promise for a day better than the one before.

A day to try new things and live with no regrets.

A day to live without fear, and just "go for it!"

A day to be nicer than the one before. Kinder. Pouring out love in places where love has not shown its face.

A day to leave the past where it should be. In. The. Past.

A day to dream bigger than ever before, believing and knowing that you are worthy indeed.

A day to believe the impossible.

A day to know it is possible.

A day to speak love and encouragement to someone who needs it most.

A day to smile a little brighter and laugh a little harder.

A promise for a day better than the one before.

Each day brings with it a new promise.

Don't you just love the promise of a new day?

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