Wednesday, January 27, 2016

He Turned 70 Today

Know how you just know the birthdays of the special people in your life? You don't need a reminder or anything. Right around that date, you're just aware of the special occasion coming up.

I know the birthdays of my friends, my family, my mom and my sister. But there's just one birthday I'm never really certain about.

And this morning, I was notified of his birthday when my cell phone reminded me...

My father turned 70 today. Yes.  My father who I haven't spoken to in over a year and a half. And before that year and a half, we hadn't spoken in over 20! Seems pretty strange right? But for me, it's pretty normal.

And I don't write this post with any anger or hurt. It is...what it is. Almost two years ago, I sought to repair our relationship by reaching out to him and going to visit him. I had no hope or expectations then. And I don't now.  You can read about our reunion here. Since that trip to Jamaica, we haven't spoken. I was sort of hoping he would reach out to know do the grown up thing. And perhaps, he was hoping I would do the same. And yes, I am a grown up, and two wrongs don't make a right, but here we are...

Today is my father's 70th birthday. The day isn't over yet, and I'm still not so sure I'll call.

I hope he's well. I hope he's happy.

Happy birthday Dad.

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