Thursday, July 14, 2016

Staycations and Lemonade

When I first set eyes on this tower of Turkish limestone, Indian pink sandstone and Italian marble, I admit, I was intrigued by its beauty. It looks like we could be in an exotic country, on another continent, right? Except that we're not because this temple is located just minutes from where we live. During any "normal" summer, we would have been on our second getaway by now, but, as life would have it, we're on a staycation and making lemonade out of lemons...

When I tell anyone that my mother-in-law (MIL) has been staying with us since April, I get a look of pity and shock that translates to I couldn't do it if I were you! I'm quite serious. Almost everyone has had that reaction!  Truth be told, although I do love my mother-in-law, a big part of me (did I say BIG) wishes it were my own mom staying with us for that long. I think three months, and counting, is a looong time to spend with your in-law, but given the circumstances, I have to admit, we are making it work, and I'm trying my best to be accommodating.

When the MIL first came to visit us in April, it was only supposed to be for a few weeks, a month at the most. But after some health concerns, followed up by doctors' visits and more tests, and then surgery scheduled in July...well one month has turned into three, and counting. And although it hasn't been the most ideal summer, The Hubs has had to remind me (a few times) to make lemonade out of these here lemons ya'll.

Oh snap! Did I mention my father-in-law (FIL) is here too!  Yes, he came for the surgery and to be with the family because who knows when we will get an opportunity like this to all be together. He's only here for a week, and even though he's divorced from the MIL for like 18 years, everyone is getting along quite splendidly.

So here's what these last several weeks have showed me...

Always follow your instincts. On this particular day, I had had a lunch and play date planned with some friends.  The day before, I followed my instincts and canceled both dates to leave the day open to spend with family. It was the right decision, and I have to admit, I enjoyed seeing everyone together. It's no surprise that we would have crabs...a certain someone always gets his fix when he comes to visit.

Make lemonade out of lemons.  No matter the cards you are dealt in life, always try to make the best out of every situation. These weeks, there's no shortage of pool time...

...and reading time. I'm on my sixth novel so far. I've never read this many books in one summer, and I'm loving it!

Staycations can be a lot of fun. Especially with a six year old, and specifically in this peachy state we live in. There's family bike rides on the countless trails in and around Atlanta...

 Staycations are also the perfect time to watch the latest summer hits.

When the MIL is in town, there's always time to steal away for date nights. We've had more dates in the past several weeks than we've had in six years!

Life really is like a box of chocolates. You never really know what you're gonna get. But it's what you choose to do, that makes all the difference!

And that is how you make lemonade out of lemons ya'll.

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