Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The Other Woman

The other woman.  I met her recently. I say that so nonchalantly. It was actually three weeks to this very day, and I don't think I will ever get her out of my mind...

It was the perfect beach day. Sunny, hot, with a slight breeze in the air. The sky was the color blue that makes you smile as the sun warms your cheeks, and the clouds! They dotted the sky forming animals and objects...anywhere your imagination would take you.  It was the kind of day where you wouldn't expect something would happen that would be life changing, but I suppose one is never...ever...really prepared for those types of events.

We were on spring break, and we had taken a short four-day cruise to the Florida Keys and Cozumel, Mexico. Never, in a thousand years, would I expect to meet her there. But there she was. Happy, excited, and just flaunting herself, for all to see. She was indeed full of herself, or so it seemed. Not in a boastful kinda way, but with confidence, the kind one might envy.

I met her, for the first time, along with everyone else. And everyone was in awe of her. Everyone had their eyes on her. Everyone seemed instantly infatuated with her. It was hard not to be, truth be told. She is 22 years old, has an outgoing personality, and she seemed like someone who was always happy no matter what. You  know the type. The kind of woman who annoys you after a while because nothing ever gets her down! She's happy about everything...always laughing and smiling. Enough already I want to scream! Do you ever cry, curse or crumble!

And then he kissed her! My husband kissed her. Right in front of me.  Right in front of dozens of onlookers. And. My. Son!

I should have been humiliated. But I wasn't. Dang I kissed her too! And I didn't think twice about it.

 Meet Olympia! Even Buddy Roller fell under her charm. I can't say I blame him. We all did!

Olympia it was a sweet treat meeting you. You are part of our family memories forever.

1 comment:

Jason Smith said...

That confidence comes from living a life of porpoise.

I'll see myself out.