Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Be Someone Who Overserves


It's Teacher Appreciation Week, and since I've been feeling pretty lousy these past few days, I wanted to do something for others because that tends to make me feel better...

I'd been going back and forth, like I normally do (I'm an over thinker!) about how many dozens of donuts to get the staff and teachers at Buddy Roller's before and after care school. 

I was even thinking about this out loud, "Should I get just one dozen...or two?" when my son said, "Two dozen...Mommy, if you're going to do something nice for people, it's better to overserve than underserve." 

"That's right!" chimed The Hubs, and then there was some high five action happening between father and son. 


That was great advice from this champion

Apparently this is something The Hubs had told him repeatedly, and he wanted to "school" his mother, which I totally appreciated. 

So. We ended up delivering two dozen, assorted, fresh baked treats from Sarah Donuts this morning. Good deed accomplished! Buddy Roller got a hug and a smile...and you know what? I totally felt better. Doing something nice for others, overserving rather than underserving, definitely put me in a better mood.

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