Sunday, February 2, 2020

Twenty-Five Things I Will Never Do

One of my sweet friends gifted me this journal for my 46th birthday, and I'm loving the 300 thoughtful and creative writing prompts. So today, I give you the 25 things I will never ever do...

  1. I will never jump out of an airplane.
  2. I will never get on a roller coaster, except the ones for small children, and even those are a bit much for me!
  3. I will never cage dive.
  4. I will never climb Mount Everest. 
  5. I will never pierce anything on my body except my ears.
  6. I will never commit murder.
  7. Other than highlights, I will never ever dye my hair blue, purple, or green.
  8. I will never stop eating desserts.
  9. I will never stop reading.
  10. I will never stop writing.
  11. I will never stop learning.
  12. I will never stop believing in God. 
  13. I will never stop loving my husband, son, sister, father and mother.
  14. I will never be opposed to getting Yup. That's a question.
  15. I will never stop taking pictures.
  16. I will never waste my time on toxic relationships.
  17. I will never use a public restroom without first checking to see if there is toilet paper.
  18. I will never go to the grocery store in my pajamas.
  19. I will never intentionally hurt someone.
  20. I will never stop loving the beach.
  21. I will never ever ever be okay with cockroaches. Just. Never!
  22. I will never ever be okay with being confined to tight spaces. This. Freaks. Me. Out!!!
  23. I will never be an embalmer.
  24. I may learn how to do less of this, but I will probably never ever stop worrying.
  25. I will never have a disregard for rules and procedures. 
What are 25 things you will never do?

And to see what other lists I've made, check out this post.

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