Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Happy Anniversary Chalkboard Memoirs!

I can't believe it's been six years (!) since I started this blog...

Back in 2014, I decided to step outside my comfort zone, go for it and write and share!

It all started when I mentioned to some friends this idea of starting a blog. And like great supportive friends they told me, "Do it." So I did! Best thing ever.

If these last few months have taught me anything, it's that life is fragile. We really have this one life to live. We have to really live it. And make each day, each experience, each human encounter...really count.

So as I reflect and look back at these six years, I'm reminded that family is everything, that it's important to maintain friendships, and that each day is a new opportunity to learn and grow and be a better wife, mother, teacher, sister, friend and human being than the day before. celebrate six years, I'm looking back at these special posts -
  1. Where it all began - Where I'm From
  2. The Hubs - A Father's Day Tribute
  3. On marriage - Advice
  4. How I feel about the importance of raising a child - Raising a Champion
  5. On reading with my son - How I Passed on My Love of Reading
  6. A special visit - Mystery Reader
  7. My mom - Even at Forty-Four
  8. My dad - My Father Was an Enigma
  9. My sister - When You Share a Birthday
  10. My mother-in-law (MIL) - Heavenly Houseguest
  11. My father-in-law (FIL) - No Matter the Storm, the Anchor Holds
  12. On friendships - A Reason, A Season, or a Lifetime
  13. On going after it - The Peachtree Road Race
  14. On writing notes to my students - A Handwritten Note for Every Student
  15. What happens on ... The Last Day of School
  16. A special recognition - Teacher of the Year
  17. Since I'm leaving my school after 11 years!!! - A Farewell to the Old Summerour
  18. Birthdays - On Turning Forty-Five
Thank you for reading and coming along on this journey with me!

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