Friday, July 17, 2020

Like Liquid Coffee Ice Cream

I'm no coffee expert, so I'm glad I've finally figured out how I like my cup of joe...

For years I seriously didn't get the coffee addiction. Til now!  Turns out I had it all wrong.  I can't tell you how many cups of coffee I've wasted because it was either too bitter, or too strong, or just too black.

Turns out I like my coffee with lots of cream (like a lot!) and sugar.  Basically I love cream and sugar with a little coffee. Now it's the baristas that intimidate me most.  Some have been really accommodating and have tried to make my order just right.  Others have been out right annoyed when I ask for more cream, syrup or ice.  I want to get it right, so I can order it confidently and correctly.

I don't want to be one of those people who give a really long and complicated coffee order.  Know anyone like that? Like someone who orders a grande Chai tea latte, three pumps, skim milk, lite water, no foam and extra hot!

My order would be something like this. Tall iced coffee, 60% coffee, 40% cream, four pumps syrup, with 50% ice...kinda like a drink of liquid coffee ice cream. Simple right?

How do you like your coffee?

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