Thursday, July 23, 2020

First Impressions as a New Tiger

Today I returned for a new year at a new school.  I'd like to journal my experiences here as I embrace change and choose courage over comfort. So here are my first impressions, so far, of the greatest middle school in the nation...

This school year is like no other. These are unprecedented times. We are starting a new year...digitally! And that comes with a lot of concerns and a lot of questions. Today, during my first day back and the new teacher orientation, my leadership team handled the specifics of this upcoming year with transparency, hope, support and solid planning in anticipation of what's ahead.

My takeaways from today are new teachers have many layers of support, there will be challenging days ahead, and in order to grow and improve our craft we must be uncomfortable at times to see progress. One message that was repeated again and again is ask for help when needed.

At the end of the day, I left feeling hopeful and excited for what's ahead. I can already see the positive differences between this school and my last one. And that's not anything against my previous school. That place is where I learned everything I know about teaching. That place is filled with some of the hardest working teachers I know, and it will always hold a special place in my heart.  I know the grass isn't always greener, but I know I will continue to grow. I know I will learn, and I know that I will be supported.

I feel inspired again for teaching. I know this year won't be easy, but I'm ready. 

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