Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Shut Down, Unplug and Disconnect

I returned to my new school today for day one (out of 10!) of pre-planning, and I had to remind myself of something...

It's been a long time since I offered any teaching tips, but it's that time of year! Whether you are a newbie, veteran teacher or anything in between, the first day, week, or year can be very taxing on the mind and body! So the advice today is really simple.

When your official end time has come for the day (for me it's 4 p.m.), you must shut down, unplug and disconnect. Shut down your computer. Unplug...literally from work. And disconnect...find something you love to do that will "fill you back up." That could be spending time with family, playing a board game, journaling, meeting a friend for dinner, going on a hike. Anything!  Because the truth is, the work will always be there. This teaching work is not for the weak, and it can never be finished in a day.

So if you've already returned to the school building, or you're about to, just remember...things can get overwhelming, you may feel like crying that first week, and you may ask yourself why am I doing this again???  Just know, these are normal feelings, and it will get better. Just shut down, unplug and disconnect at the end of the day.

You've got this!

For more teaching tips, see these posts if you'd like...

Be nice to your custodians.

Set up your classroom before pre-planning.

Get to know your students.

Every kid is a genius.

Have an amazing school year!

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