Sunday, August 8, 2021

Guess Who's a Seventh Grader!

My son is now a SEVENTH (!!!) grader...

...AND we're at the same school which was my plan for a long time. We get to ride to school every morning and back home every evening. I get to spend more time with him which is good because at this rate, he'll be in high school in no time!!!

For weeks leading up to the start of school, I worried he wouldn't wake up on time. I was concerned we would butt heads in the morning, me screaming at HIM not to make ME late for work. I thought I would be the one making his lunch, doing all I could to move him faster along in the morning routine. And just like all the other things I'm anxious about and lose sleep over, it all worked out fine. He even made his own lunch! 

Of course the first morning, there was a small bit of a struggle to wake him up, but once he was up, he did great. And the next morning, he was ready before me! 

I admit, I got really emotional on Friday watching him leave my classroom. He's growing up too fast. He's in the building for the first time in so long. He will be around other students who will try to influence him and expose him to so many things, and this mom is not ready for all that. We do have lots of conversations with him and try to prepare him for situations that may come up in school when it comes to peer pressure, making wise choices and doing the right thing.  I pray we have provided him with a strong foundation and the right tools to navigate this stage of life. He's done so well, so far, in school, and we just pray and hope he continues on that straight and narrow path.

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