Monday, July 26, 2021

When Your Student Becomes a Teacher

 I've always known that a teacher can go a long time, perhaps a lifetime, without truly realizing his/her impact on students...

...but today I got lucky!

Teachers returned to school this morning greeted by eager administrators with loud speakers, costumes and confetti. During our faculty meeting, the principal introduced the new hires. As soon as this young lady was introduced, I kept thinking to myself...I know her. I KNOW her.  I taught her!!!

Then I was doing the math in my head. I taught her in 7th grade. She did 8th grade then 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th. Then college for four years. This must be at least 9...10 years ago! Truth be told, I was also wondering if I was a good teacher to her. I had only been teaching two or three years when I taught her...I hope I was an effective teacher. But all my worry soon subsided when we got a chance to talk that morning. 

She told me, "Mrs. Cooke, you inspired me and made me want to be a teacher. You told me I should be a gifted student. It's because of you. Don't ever doubt you are making a difference." 

Wow. I was speechless. She made my day and year. What better way to start a school year. Those words from her just gave me all the motivation I needed to get this school year started in the most positive way. The lesson in all this...teachers may never know the impact they have on their students BUT know that educators do make a difference. Every.  Day. So keep on keeping on. Don't be discouraged. You matter and YOU are changing the child at a time. 

Have an amazing school year!

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