Sunday, July 11, 2021

This is Eleven...Almost Twelve

 My son will be 12 next month. Twelve!!!

He is almost my height, and I predict he will be taller than me by the end of the year. The Hubs says it's unlikely that will happen, BUT I swear the kid grows in his sleep every night!

He is still quite lovely! He tells us he loves us a million times a day. He's eating so much these days, more than his dad and me. He still kisses me a ton and loves to snuggle at bed time and in the morning. We still read together, but most nights he stays up past my bedtime.  He still uses his lovey, though I know he'd be embarrassed to admit this to anyone outside our family. I do wonder though...when will he outgrow his security blanket?

He is still super smart, and I'm sometimes amazed by his knowledge and the fact that sometimes he teaches me.  He made all A's again last year in school and has maintained all A's since kindergarten. He made All A's Honor Roll and got most distinguished in science, on his team in 6th grade. He also had the highest academic GPA in his AAU travel basketball team. I continue to get compliments about his work ethic and behavior at school from his teachers. Just last night at dinner, the waiter asked if he was our son. After we told him yes, he said, "Wow, he's really well mannered." I love hearing that. It means we're doing something right. 

He still loves staying up late, and he still struggles with waking up in the morning. I'm sure he'd sleep the day away if allowed. He eats very little for breakfast, but I swear his appetite opens up for the rest of the day. He eats a pretty good portion for lunch and dinner and is hungry again around 11 p.m.

I've been noticing that he spends way more time with his dad this past year and a half. They have really bonded during COVID. Since I went to school everyday, they really had a full school year of being together all the time. The Hubs worked from home, and Buddy Roller did on-line school. Each day they would go shoot basketballs during their lunch break and then grab a quick lunch before returning home. 

I'm grateful for the first ten solid years with Buddy Roller. I was his everything, and he depended on me for a lot of things. But now, as I knew would happen...the tide is changing, and his relationship with his dad is the focal point. They do a lot together, and I find myself having a lot of free time to myself.  Though I miss our time together, I really love seeing the bond between father and son. I know when school starts next month, we'll get some of our time back as we'll be commuting together everyday. I will cherish those moments as he only has two years left in middle school. Can't believe high school is not that far away.

They really weren't kidding when they said they would grow up too fast. Gosh, just blink and it happens!

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