Monday, July 15, 2019

When Life Overwhelms

When I started this blog in 2014, the plan was to create a space for me to write as an outlet. To share life lessons and experiences that I could collect and later, reflect. But. What I've been finding out is that so many of my experiences aren't solely mine. They involve other people, and since there's this thing called privacy, I can't always write and freely express myself on the things I'd like...

If I'm to be completely honest with you, I've been quite overwhelmed lately. And that may be an understatement. But again, it's not my story to tell.

Something tiny happened yesterday that encapsulates my feelings.

I was at the pool yesterday with my family. It wasn't crowded for a Sunday, which I appreciated. There were a few other families, including one that visits as frequently as we do. Their little girl, brown curls with rosy cheeks (so adorable!), was having a meltdown. She is usually a pretty happy child, but today, not so much. She was crying and whining (quite loudly) despite her very patient and loving dad trying everything in his power to console her. It was really bitter sweet to witness.

Finally after several minutes of crying, she walked over to her grandmother, who was sitting close by. Her grandmother welcomed her with open arms. The little girl walked into those loving arms, resting her head on her grandmother's shoulders, and in a final surrender, shed her final tears. And just like that, her troubles were over, at least for now. It could have been from sheer exhaustion, or it could have been that sometimes all one needs is a mother's love. I believe it was the latter.

And in that moment, even though some 42 years separate that little girl and me, I empathized with her. I understood her emotions. And granted, my meltdowns and emotions probably stem from far bigger issues than hers, but as I watched her being consoled by her grandmother, I couldn't help but reminisce about the days when my mom's hugs, caress, or kind words helped to ward off more tears.

I started to cry a few tears of my own in that moment. This is what happens when life overwhelms me. It takes almost nothing to start the water works ya'll.  And I can't lie. In that moment...I couldn't help but miss my mom a little more.

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