Friday, April 4, 2014

Chalk Talk - Awkward!!!

As a middle school teacher, I often get lots of visits from my former students who have gone on to high school. I truly treasure these visits as I love hearing updates from my students and, selfishly, I finally see the lives I have helped to impact.

Today, I got one of those visits, but it did not turn out the way I would have wanted.

Writing on my white board, planning ahead for my next lesson, I heard a voice, "Hi Ms. Cooke!" I turned around and saw three students standing in the doorway. I walked towards them.  One student I had not taught, and the other I definitely recognized. But the third one, though somewhat familiar was different in a way I couldn't quite figure out at that moment.

"Don't you remember my name?" the student asked.

Oh how I wish I could remember every student's name! I have been teaching for over five years and, each year there are about 120 students, or so, on my roster. But forgetting a name was not the problem. What happened next was uncomfortably painful.

"Kevin?" I guessed. 

"She's not even a boy!" scoffed one of her friends.


Awkward. Silence.

I immediately, and not very discreetly at all, gave her the once-over to try and find some clue...any clue...of what I had obviously overlooked.  I found none.  Her hair was super short, she was wearing a t-shirt, athletic shorts, sneakers and a book bag. 

It's moments like this that make me wish I was really witty and had a comeback to save the day. No such luck.

Then I remembered her name, first and last. I said her full name out loud, and we mutually hugged. I asked her how things were going in high school. We talked for a minute, and then she was on her way.

I remember teaching her. She had long black hair back then, and she was really quiet in class. About halfway through the school year, she went through a change and cut her hair really short, and I guess kept it short all these years.  

Hours later as I reflect on what happened, I just pray I didn't offend her. That's the thing that has bothered me the most. I have replayed the awkward moment, again and again, in my mind, and I have tried to figure out what I could have done differently. Next time, I will just have to spend more time talking and listening before making any assumptions.

I'm hoping I'll never experience another awkward moment like that ever again!

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