Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Chalk Talk Tuesday - Because Sometimes You Have To Be Silly...

I just love the teacher across the hall from me! We've been hallway buddies for a number of years, and we just support each other throughout the school year with quick conversations between transitions, sweet treats in the form of KitKats and M&Ms, and we may even trade a student here or there if there's a need for a time-out.

On occasion we are each other's comic relief, and today was no different.  She decided to do something silly with her hair to see if the kids would notice, and I joined right in. We were having so much fun, we decided to do a new "do" between each class change.

First we had bangs. Then came the ponytails.

And then we did a high bun!

Who said the kids are the ones having all the fun!!!

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