Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Chalk Talk Tuesday - Real Talk

If you didn't already know this, kids can be really honest. Brutally honest at times. Especially middle school kids!

Sure, there are times when their honesty is well received and appreciated.  Like the many times they tell me how young I look when they find out I'm 40 years old. Yes it makes my already big head swell even more.

But then there are times when they tell it to me straight up, and it's not sugar-coated! Not at all. Know what I mean? But that's kids for you, and you know what? I just have to take it in stride because sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes they just may be telling the truth like they see it. And who says constructive criticism can't come from kids? And if I preach it, I have to be able to take it, right? Cause I do preach it every day.

So this week a student told me, in front of the whole class, that sometimes I talk too much.




And she wasn't being rude about it...at all. If I'm talking too much, then she and the other students aren't getting enough time to collaborate and talk about what they're learning.

Then there's the time when a male student... a very flamboyant male student who talks a lot with his hands...told me I needed to wear my hair in a different way instead of having it the same every day. He told me to consider putting it in a bun or a side ponytail.

And you know what? I took both their advice. I'm working on talking less, and I've even done the side ponytail thing a few times...which got me lots of compliments by the way.  The bun thing I have yet to try.

Kids have important things to say. They do. And I'm listening. I give them unsolicited advice all the time.  So why can't I listen to them for a change?

And that's real talk!

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