Saturday, March 28, 2015

How to Enjoy a Soccer Game

How to enjoy a soccer game...on a cold day.

Since Mother Nature won't seem to let go of winter, we're experiencing the chill for yet another day in the South. Waking up to temps in the 30's this morning and knowing we had a soccer game made this island girl prepared to brave the cold.

So how do you enjoy a soccer game on a cold and windy day? 

Wear layers from head to toe. Additionally, wrap yourself in a cozy blanket, sip on warm tea with honey as you sit on a folding chair directly in the sun so its rays can warm you up. Applaud your son each time he scores a goal; remember to cheer for the other team as well. For this age group, everyone's a winner.  At least, that's how it should be.  Watch The Hubs as he coaches and encourages everyone on the team.  Then make small talk with parents and grandparents you haven't seen since the last game.  It helps to pass the time, and it's all about community. 

And when the game's over, pack it all up, make a mad dash for the car, and hope that Mother Earth will grant us warmer temperatures next game.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Spring Where Are You?!

What is up with this weather in the A-T-L? 

One minute it's sunny and beautiful and in the upper 70's. Then today it's a high of 53 and a low of get this...35! I'm not liking this at all. This weather is a tease! How about we get things back to spring!

What a week it's been! I was doing the full-time working mommy thing on double duty as The Hubs was out of the country for a few days. Thankfully we survived despite one day of staying home due to asthma issues with Buddy Roller. Once he was feeling better, it was my time to struggle through two days of feeling really bad with allergies getting the best of me. 

I couldn't be any happier it's Friday. My whole family is back together and I get a chance to recharge before another week of work. I haven't done this in a while, so here are three things I'm thankful for this week. 

One.  The Hubs brought home some delicious Jamaican food for dinner tonight. We had jerk chicken, oxtails, barbecue spare ribs, rice and peas, cabbage and fried plantains. It was sooo good! Two.  After dinner, The Way You Look Tonight was playing and The Hubs and I got to dance. We haven't done that in a while! And the sweetest part? Buddy Roller joined us and the three of us were dancing.  And finally, three. I received another letter from a student this week. It reads:

To: Mrs. Cooke,

You told us to write something positive to each other, but it's best to write to a teacher.  You are always in joy and have the best smile even when you're in a bad mood. You also try your best to get every student to pass the class and to have a good education.  You have a healthy life, you stay on the good side, and never fall down.  Last but not least, you are the greatest teacher because not only do you help children, but you help them for the real world.

From M.T.

I'm thankful. Life is not always perfect. My job isn't perfect.  People aren't always perfect.  But a wise person once told me you can always find the positive in anything or anyone. And I think that's a good rule to live by.

Happy weekend!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Chalk Talk Tuesday - Dear Ms. Cooke

I asked my students to write letters. To each other.  Bad behavior, disrespect, attitude, name calling, name it...has been at an all time high. And it isn't all the students, but it just takes several, in this case, to spoil the whole bunch.  I wanted to get things back to positive, so I instructed students to write a positive and encouraging letter to each other.

The activity was for them, but little did I know it would be beneficial to me as well when two students decided to write to yours truly.

Dear Ms. Cooke,

You're an awesome teacher, a really great friend and you always give good advice. Let me tell you this, I love that you always have a great attitude.  So as I was saying, you're polite and nice.  My parents have asked me how was my day and stuff like that, I always tell them about you.  I just can't believe how you can handle everyone just being rude to you but you're still nice and polite to them.  I want to tell you more but I just don't have any words for you because you're so so awesome and one thing I really like is that you dress so pretty and fancy.


Here's another letter...

Dear Mrs. Cooke,

I think that you're very nice! Don't believe me?...Wait,  you seriously don't believe me? WELL IF I HAVE to, everyone here gotta say the same, you're nice to everyone! You greet us with joy, rain or shine - especially shine! Even the rudest of the rude cannot destroy your kindness! Honestly, if you don't think you're nice, to me that's astonishment! You're a perfect language arts teacher and you should be proud! BUT - this is one characteristic. Imagine me describing all of them! Hmmm...where should I start? At least you know that I'm here rooting for ya!


It isn't a coincidence that they both wrote about their peers being rude. Unfortunately this happens. I often wonder how I face these challenges day in and day out. This job certainly isn't for the weak at heart, and some days are certainly harder than others. I rely a lot on my teammates who are always there to listen at the end of the day. We often share our struggles, but we always make sure we laugh about our challenges too. But the one thing that has really helped me survive each school year is my faith and God. I have to pray daily for strength, patience and love. I know I can't take things personally. I know our students face a lot of challenges themselves and that's why they act the way they do. I know that I'm a teacher here to serve. Period. And that's how I do it. One day at a time.

And the good thing? The school year flies by.

Only 37 more days to go!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Making Positive Deposits

We have an AP (assistant principal) at our school who does wonders for our students and our staff. She is simply amazing! She is a great leader, she leads by example and professionalism, she is fair and equal, and she does so much to promote a positive environment at our school. Not only for students, but also for teachers.

Throughout the year, she has encouraged us teachers to write lots and lots of positive referrals for our students. It's such a cool idea because the students get called out of class to go to her office. At first the kids think they are in big trouble, but when they get to her office she greets them with that awesome big smile of hers with her hazel eyes twinkling with sweet mischief. She proudly tells them that they have received a positive referral from a teacher. She literally reads them what the teacher wrote about them, they get to choose a candy bar from her stash of goodies, and then the best part!!! She calls home and brags to their parents about their positive referral.

Isn't that just awesome! And that's just one of the countless things she does throughout the school year to inspire a culture of excellence and positivity within these walls.

And guess what? She did the same thing for teachers this week!!!!

She encouraged all of us to write a positive referral for another teacher. And today, she started calling into our classrooms for us to come to her office. I got my call this morning, and even though I expected it, it didn't lessen the excitement and thrill of getting that positive referral. I picked out my treat...peanut M&M's of course! And I also stopped by and thanked the teacher who wrote the referral for me.

And the best part? She's calling The Hubs to brag about me! I can't wait to hear how the call goes!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Questions and Answers

I bought this book for Buddy Roller, along with three others, several weeks ago at a book party. Tonight we finally read it.

It's filled with questions for curious little minds, and each question is answered on a little flap.  We've learned some very interesting facts on various topics ranging from the moon and stars to rocket ships and which animal makes the loudest sound.

There were questions we could answer like, who is the fastest person in the world? Well, Jamaica's Usain Bolt, of course. Roller knew the answer to that!

Then this question got Roller giggling for minutes.  What is the largest muscle in your body?

"Your hip??? I know, your arm pit!!!" he laughed.

Then he flipped the flap, and when he discovered the term, gluteus maximus, for bottom, he couldn't contain himself!

Are your little ones just as excited about bottoms and poop?

I told Buddy Roller to quiz his dad about all he learned tonight during their ride to school in the morning. Especially the part about the gluteus maximus.

I suspect it's a book we'll be reading again and again.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Working Out is So Hard

So. I pulled my Brooks Ghost running shoes out of my closet last week. Now that the weather is changing and getting warm again, I'm inspired to work out and get healthy. But not just for now...for forever.

They say words have power. So I figured if I put how I feel into words (thank goodness for this blog!), this makes me more accountable.

But here's the thing. Working out is so hard! It's not hard for the really smart people who've made it a lifestyle. Truth be told, it's not a lifestyle for me. The "old me" works out only during the spring and summer months. I seem to be motivated by warm sunny days. So that means during the fall and winter, I don't work out. And the problem is...because I love to eat, eating a lot and not working out don't usually equal the best results. I have never struggled with my weight, and I don't want to start. Up until a year ago, it seemed I could have eaten whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted.  That was...until 40 showed up!

Forty. Fortee. Forteeeee!!!! Say it with me.  Forty. Fortee.  Forteee!!! LOL.  Along with grey hairs that seem to be springing up all over my head, and these other stubborn hairs growing out of my chin!!!! (ughhh!), forty is here! But you know what? I'm not letting 40 get the better of me!

It's time to make a lifestyle change. I need to do it, not only for health reasons but for overall mental and emotional health. Working out makes you feel better about yourself, and it actually makes you want to put better, healthier foods into your body. My mom, dad, and sister all suffer from high blood pressure, and that alone should be enough to motivate me.

I only started running a few miles last week, and I also had a good run this morning.  And while I'm not at the regimen where I want to be, it is a start. I need encouragement and accountability because it's so hard to jump start this process. But you know what? I'm glad these extra pounds showed up. That alone is enough to get this girl moving!

I'll keep you posted.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

His Many Faces

He's growing and changing. He's coming into his own. He has his own thoughts and opinions, and he'll gladly let you know what's on his mind. 

Over the years, I've captured and collected hundreds and hundreds of photographs of this special guy. I remember each picture as if it was taken yesterday.

Here are the many faces of Buddy Roller that capture his spunk, vitality and effervescent personality.

Buddy Roller, mommy loves you to the moon and back.

Friday, March 13, 2015

"You People"

I haven't been writing much these past few weeks. Literally, I've been in survival mode at work.  It's that time of year. It's nearing the end of the school year, and things are just wearing me down. Ya know?

Kids are sometimes hard to work with. I feel like things have really changed since I went to school. Back then, teachers were respected and listened to. It used to be cool to get good grades and be respectful. These days I don't see that. Most days, I feel exhausted and defeated. Sounds sad right? But I'm really okay. I'm not writing this for pity. I'm writing to just release my feelings because I know this is only temporary and brighter things are on the horizon.  I don't bring work home, and thankfully I have a happy home life that makes this really manageable.

A lot of teachers are planning their exit, and of course that's been on my mind too. I've written before about the mass exodus that's typical this time of year.  I find myself reflecting a lot these past few weeks.  Am I doing the right thing by staying another year? Is this where I should be? Is this where I want to be? Don't get me wrong. I'm committed, and I go to work everyday with a smile on my face. Professional. A team player. That won't change.

But this morning someone really irked me at work, and I just want to vent for three minutes.

Do you mind?

The whole school has been testing for the past two days. Kids have been on a "block schedule," stuck in a classroom for up to three hours for one test. A test that only has 21 test items. So. Picture a class of 27 students of varying abilities. In a classroom. Taking a test that only takes some of them 20 minutes. Some may take 30 minutes. Or even 40 minutes. You have to keep the whole class quiet while maybe one student takes up to one hour to complete the test. Then after all the kids have been sitting for over an hour, and they are all done testing you have to have an engaging lesson for them. Any lesson, plus 27 students, who have checked out mentally,and who think it's pure torture to be in a classroom for that long, does not equal engagement.

So at about 4:30 this morning I woke up with a plan to do something different with my kids to make up for the torture of the last two days. The plan, however, required about 100 copies. Copies I would need this morning when I got to work. Problem is, at my school, the rule is, you need at least 48 hours to get copies made. Not usually a problem for me. I'm a planner, and I normally get my copies made way in advance. I didn't think bending the rule, just this one time, would be a problem.

I filled out a copy request and asked my AP (assistant principal) to sign off on it.  She did it without hesitation. She supports teachers. I love that about her! I then took the request to the front office to have the copies made. I would normally ask a clerk for a request like this, but since there wasn't one around, I asked the administrative assistant for help. Wrong. Choice.

She looked at the request and started, "We're not supposed to do this. You people need at least 48 hours for copies." Then she spotted my AP walking into the office and asked, "Did you sign off on this request?" to which my AP proudly answered, "Yes I did!" as she kept it moving. The administrative assistant reluctantly took my request and started to make my copies.

All the while I was standing there thinking...she called me "you people." Really? You people!!! I play by the rules 99% of the time. I get to work on time. If I'm even one minute late, I'm the one who signs in late at the front office. I'm that person! That's what you're supposed to do.  While others who are more than 15 to 30 minutes late don't even bother to do that. Never mind the fact that I'm a teacher leader. And co-chair of the language arts department. She called me "you people." I'm a teacher. Working at a school...teaching and serving students. I need copies. That's a requirement for the job. Other schools allow teachers access to their own copy machine to make their own copies!

Maybe she was having a bad day. I'll chalk it up to that.  I have never had an exchange like that with her ever in all the years I've known her.  But more importantly, the lesson here is I need to practice more humility. So what she spoke to me like that? Who do I think I am to expect better treatment? After all, I'm here to serve. Not to be served.

That's it. Venting over. My minutes are up.  I'm done.

Thanks for listening.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

A View of the Whole Earth

It seems like it was just January, and in the blink of an eye...BAM!'s March and Daylight Saving what??!!

Daylight Saving Time.  Sooo what we lost an hour today.  That's a joke! It felt like any other day to me.  It really seems like time plays an evil joke with me with the hour hand racing around the clock saying every chance it can, "I got you!" LOL.  Do you ever feel like that?

Boy what a B-E-A-U-tiful day it was today!!!  Atlantans love us some nice weather. Give us any day with temperatures above 65 degrees and we want to play outside. One of our favorite places to hang out on a gorgeous day is Stone Mountain. In fact, if you've never been to Stone Mountain and hiked to the top of the big rock, well, you can't really call yourself a true Atlantan.

The Hubs, Roller and I decided to walk up the mountain today. The Hubs and I have done it before, but this was the first time for Roller to walk all the way to the top. We deliberately waited until he was five. We have seen and heard enough crying children begging to be carried most of the way up or down the big rock.  I think five is the right age. Seems like we weren't the only ones with this idea. When we got to the park, there was a line of cars to get in, and the parking lot near the walk up trail was already full.

Look at this show-off running up the mountain. I think he was really trying to show us up! Not so much on the way down though.

When we got to the top, Roller said, "You can see the whole earth from here!" Well...not quite.  The things a five year old says!

Of course...there was play time with Daddy.

And we can't forget to bust a move...upside down glasses and all...from the place where you can see the whole earth!

It really was a perfect day to hike up here. 

Looking forward to more beautiful weather and sunny blue skies. Come on spring. Get here. Fast!