Thursday, September 28, 2017

Mommy Moment - Parent Conference

A "mommy moment" happens in many different ways. There are moments, as a mom, where you feel your most happiest.  When you witness your child doing something that just makes your heart smile. There are also those moments when your child teaches you a lesson, makes you laugh out loud, or totally embarrasses you. And then there are those moments when your child makes you so proud, you can't help but get emotional.  I had one of those moments today...

Today was conference day for Buddy Roller who's in the third grade.

"Your child is so sweet," said Roller's teacher, Mrs. Campbell.  "He gets along with everyone, and he's just so sensitive to other students' feelings. And look at his grades! I mean this just isn't normal. He has A's in everything. I have all good things to say today, and believe me, I don't always have good things to share with parents."

At this point, I'm just such a proud mommy, and with The Hubs sitting next to me, all I can manage to say is, "Thank you."

And then she showed us two of his writing samples. In the first one, Roller wrote about jumping off the diving board the first time this past summer, and how he had asked me to record him doing his jumps and flips, over and over again. The second sample was about a recent trip to the park. The Hubs, Grandpa, Roller and I had gone to ride bikes, walk, and then throw around a football. His writing was full of details, dialogue (yes!), humor and imagery. I could hear his voice in his writing, it was funny, and even though it's third grade writing, it was good!

So often, as parents, we do so many things with our kids, collecting moments and memories, never realizing the impact it has on our kids. Well today, through Roller's writing, I got to see that these small moments do matter. Thinking about his milestones, jumping off a diving board, seeing his growth and maturity, seeing him develop into a kind human being, seeing him excel at school makes this mommy really proud.

And that's when the water works started. Yup. Right there in the third grade, parent-teacher conference, I had a mommy moment. I am proud of my kid. Proud of the person he's becoming. Proud of the hard work we're putting in as parents. We know he's a good kid, but hearing this validation from someone who spends most of the day with him, is the icing on the cake.

We're raising a champion.  I'll explain what this truly means in an upcoming post.  In the meantime, I'll continue to recite my silent mantra...after the battle, the reward.  We're still working on our masterpiece, and though the journey is far from over, the ride...oh the so sweet!

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