Sunday, September 25, 2016

A Forgotten Benefit of Reading

It all started with a small twitching below my left eye. Let me be clear. It was a constant twitching, sometimes called eyelid tics or spasms, and although it wasn't noticeable by others, it was driving me crazy...

It really started on the night of July 31. I know this because that was the night before I had to report back to work for the new school year. And like many years prior, I had a case of,  I can't sleep because a million and one thoughts were racing through my I ready for tomorrow? Did I do everything? Well fast forward several weeks later and those same thoughts (and more lists of all the things I still haven't accomplished) are keeping me awake at night and causing me to have sleepless nights. And overtime, a lack of sleep and stress, are showing their effects.

What could I do to have a peaceful sleep? Well it dawned on me that I had given up reading since I didn't have too much extra time, but it occurred to me that the very thing I had given up was the thing I needed! You see, when I read at the end of a very long day, it calms me down, gets me to escape to another place, and before I know it, my eyelids get heavy, and I'm sleeping! Peacefully. I've been reading this book the last few nights, and those eye spasms...not so much. In fact today, I didn't twitch at all!

And the other thing that could also give me a peaceful night's sleep? Exercise! That, I'm working on. I know these are a no-brainer, but sometimes I make things harder than they need to be. I really need to get out of my own way!

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