Monday, September 4, 2017

Book Study for Two

The BFSF and I are doing a book study. She lives all the way in New Jersey, so we're doing this by phone.  We haven't been talking a lot lately because life gets in the way, so when she discovered I was reading this book (she had read it before and wanted to revisit it), we decided to do it together...

The awesome thing about doing a book study, for two, is that it's just so personal and since we have that kind of relationship, we can keep each other accountable. Here's how things are going so far.

We're having a discussion every 50 pages or so, and we had our first "meeting" today. As the title states, this book is all about living your best life and not giving in to self-doubt and insecurities that many people fall victim to. I know I do at times.  We were able to share some of the "aha" moments from the book like this quote...

Isn't that so true!  I tell you, this quote is what has gotten me through this past week.

We've also set goals for ourselves during this study, and we even have homework. Yup.  I have to take that first step to joining the organization I wrote about in this post.  That's the thing. When you have an accountability partner, they make you do the things that are best for you, even when you don't want to. We also decided to post up to three self affirming quotes (in our bathroom or bedroom), mantras - if you will, and commit them to memory, so that we can start living that awesome life.

I'm really enjoying this book so far. I'm looking forward to the next meeting. I'm so thankful for good friends. And. I want to live an awesome life. Every day.

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