Friday, September 11, 2015

Going Grey?

Unless you're my mom who's over 60 and has never had to worry about coloring grey hair...she has none (okay maybe like three strands that you can't even see!)'re probably like the rest of us unlucky people who are either going or are completely grey!

I'm in my early 40's, and I never thought I would have to worry about this....

...until I had to worry about this.  Earlier than I would have expected! You see, at around 40, I started noticing a few grey hairs. And now at 41, I'm noticing way more.  At this rate, I'll be completely grey by the time Kanye West runs for president!!!

But seriously.  I've always admired other women who have embraced their grey.  I think it's empowering to forego the expensive salon costs and go au natural, yet when it comes to yours truly...I'm not as Gung Ho as I'd like to be.

Could it be that going grey means I'll be taken less seriously? Seen as less competent? Less attractive? Less youthful? Old??? There I said it.  I certainly don't view women who have gone grey this way, but just the mere thought of me with a head full of grey conjures up not so positive feelings of self confidence.

Coincidentally, I was talking to a colleague and friend of mine, just the other day, about this very topic. After many trips to the salon...about every four weeks...and thousands of dollars later, my friend has decided to go grey.  She plans to highlight her hair as she makes her transition. I'm excited for her and cannot wait to see the end result.

So.  Just to dispel my own insecurities, I did a quick google search for a few famous people who have truly embraced their grey.  These men and women are beautiful, smart, sexy, and they're rockin' the grey!

When the time comes, I just hope I can exude the same confidence that my friend and many others have...when it comes to going grey.

Is it just me? But aren't men just a little more good they grey?

I'm just saying...

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