Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Building Relationships Outside the Classroom

I mentioned a few weeks ago that I'm one of the coaches for our girls' running club at my school.

The experience so far has been well worth it! Girls and coaches get together twice a week and talk, and run, and have fun. We get to build relationships outside of the classroom and talk about things that are on a girl's mind...

We talk about school, family, relationships...you name it. But girls also get to do meaningful things like set goals, work through conflict and the stresses of life, and form new relationships with each other.

This week our girls got a lesson in working together as a team through a fun team building exercise. Girls were split into two small groups. They were each given a sheet of paper and they had to collaborate in order to achieve their goal...which was to make it from one end of a pathway to the next, by stepping on each sheet of paper. The challenge was, each sheet of paper either had to have their hand or foot on it, at all times! If a sheet of paper was untouched, at any time, it was a coach's responsibility to remove that paper.  Think of each paper as stepping stones to get from one end of a river to the next.

We played two rounds, and in the last one, we made it more challenging.  One girl couldn't talk and another had to pretend to be blind.  The girls had a lot of fun.  There was a lot of team work, planning, and most of all, friendships were being formed.

Getting involved in extracurricular activities with your students is just an added bonus to building relationships. I highly recommend it!

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