Monday, February 29, 2016

Tip #13 - Get Involved at Your School


One of the best things I've done in my teaching career is join an after-school club.  I admit...most days I don't feel like I have anymore to give, but at the end of the day, I always end up feeling happy that I did!

So here goes tip #13 from a so-called veteran teacher...get involved at your school!

Sunday, February 28, 2016

"Oh Snap" at the Circus

This weekend we took Buddy Roller to "The Greatest Show on Earth"...the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus.

I admit, growing up in Jamaica, we never had that many chances to go to the circus, and I know I'm living my childhood vicariously through my own child.  We all enjoyed the show this weekend which included many animal performances, acrobats flying through the air, clowns being well...silly, thrilling bike stunts and much more.

And the two words heard again and again from six year old Buddy Roller every time there was an amazing feat..."Oh snap!"

Here are more photos if you'd like to see...

Friday, February 26, 2016

If I Got a Dollar for Every Time...

After school on Thursday, I decided to switch things up. With help from a few students, we totally rearranged all the desks in my classroom.

On Friday, as students arrived, they didn't know where to sit...or they got super excited with the notion that they could  sit wherever they wanted!

And then the question I got over and over again...throughout the whole entire day.

Where do I sit?

Can we sit anywhere?

I told them they could sit wherever they wanted, as long as it was boy-girl-boy girl.

Whew! I survived today.

It's been a crazy week at school. I'm so thankful for the weekend.

Hope you have a good one!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Monday Humor

The New Yorker recently published some really funny poems about married people.

Which one do you think is the funniest?

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Chalk Talk - Six Word Memoirs

Several years ago, I learned about six word memoirs, and I love doing them with my kids. It's a great little activity that doesn't require much planning and supplies. It gets the kids thinking, it can be used in just about any subject, and it involves just six words...

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Tip #12 - Encourage Each Other

Sixth Grade Literacy Night

They say a teacher may never know her impact, on her students, for years to come. It's really true, and that's why it's so important for colleagues to support each other.

Teaching can seem like such an isolated profession at times. If you're not a support teacher, you can spend most days in your classroom, within those four walls, without any adult interaction or worse, without any validation...

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Have You Ever?

Have you ever read the entire Bible? From cover to cover?

To be honest, it's been a goal of mine for quite some time. I've started. And stopped. I've started. And stopped. You get the point. Well I'm at it again, and I'm hoping this year I can make my goal a reality.

Over the years, I've read several books from the Bible. Some...over and over again. But I've never read the entire book. I've tried those Bible plans you can read in 365 days, but I've never stuck to the plan.  This time around, I'm doing it my way.  I started with the book of Esther...there's no particular reason why, it's just where I started. I'm now at Psalms, and I plan to read all the way through to the end of the New Testament. Once I'm finished there, I plan to tackle Genesis and then read all the way through to Esther.

How about you? Have you ever read the entire Bible?

Monday, February 15, 2016

Mondays with Roller

Of all the space in this house, including two floors.

Of all the rooms.

Of all the chairs.

Of all the couches.

Of all the spaces.

Right next to me, is where this little guy always manages to end up. 

And you know what? 

I'm okay with that.

I really am.

I'll take all the cuddles, hugs, and closeness I can get...for as long as they last.

Happy Monday!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

What I Would Tell My Pre-Married Self

Last night The Hubs and I went out on a date...pre-Valentine's Day. I admire that he's really trying for us to "date," once a month, for a whole year.  And in case you forgot, here's where the idea started.

Our evening started at our church where they had a "night out" for married couples. We stayed for a little while, and then we headed out, in time, to make our reservations for dinner when the question came up...

Friday, February 12, 2016

Stubborn Teeth?

Who knew?

I wrote about this back in August when Buddy Roller's teeth started to shake. That was over 6 months ago! It took that long for those teeth to come out.

I guess his dental hygienist was right...

Thursday, February 11, 2016

What I'm Reading Right Now

I've never been that person to read more than one book, at a time. I guess times have changed because I'm now reading three books at once.

And you know what?

I'm actually loving it. Reading from each book is kind of like multitasking.  I'm reading book number one with my students as part of our Civil Rights unit. Book number two is all about gaining wisdom and trying to be a better teacher. And finally book number three...well, read about it here.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Even After...Love Lives

Photo Credit -

We all know that death is inevitable, and yet it remains one of the most unbearable things in life that any human being should ever have to face.

This past weekend, I attended the visitation for the husband of a friend and colleague.

Since news of his passing, I've been thinking about their family. A lot.  His wife of over 30 years. And their three children...though adults...still their children.  How are they coping? What emotions are they going through? Are they grieving a lot? Finding moments of joy in sweet memories? Are they utterly exhausted with all the planning and preparation they've had to do?  How does one even comprehend and accept such a devastating loss?  How will they overcome their pain and heartache.  Will they ever?

And this is what settled in my heart...