Monday, February 28, 2022

Mask on or Off?

I'm not sure how I feel about the new mask guidelines...

I'm know I'm not alone when I say I couldn't wait for this day to come....when masks are no longer "required." But the caveat, that we can go mask-free when the threat of COVID is at a low to medium risk, makes me not want to celebrate so soon.  

We're told we should be able to reach for those masks again should the threat return to high, and I wonder just how much time we have before that happens again?

I got accustomed to wearing this shield on my face. It became a part of my wardrobe, and it gave me a sense of security from this deadly disease. 

I wore my mask today at school and most of the students did as well. I plan to keep wearing it for the majority of the day, especially when I'm in crowded areas in the school building, like the cafeteria and the hallways during transitions. 

Almost two years later, I'm glad we're making progress with COVID.  It is promising that we can go mask-free if we choose, but I'm not getting rid of my stash of masks just yet. 

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