Monday, January 4, 2021

Happy New Year?


Hello 2021!

How are you? How's life treating you? 

It's been a while since we've talked, and I've missed this.

2020 was such a difficult year. And that's putting it mildly. 

My dad's funeral was in January. My husband faced health challenges.  Kobe died. Harry and Meghan quit the royal life. George Floyd. Black Lives Matter. Australian wild fires. Chadwick Boseman. Alex Trebek.  Politics. The election. Joe and Kamala!!! There was so much more, and oh yeah...a global pandemic which is far from over.

Never did I ever think teachers would work from home. Students would be learning online for such a long period of time. That toilet paper would be scarce! That a virus would bring the world to her knees and claim more than a million lives. It is still quite incredible to believe we are living through this. Right?

Still. Throughout this year, I have tried to focus on the positives because the alternative is, well just not an option for me. I have thrived on spending a lot of time with my family, playing board games every night and cooking delicious meals. Walks outdoors have been a tremendous outlet for me. Being outside, getting fresh air and appreciating Earth's natural beauty never gets old on me!

2020 taught me to pivot, to be flexible, to be resilient, to try new ways of teaching, and it taught me to stand brave in the face of fear. And trust me, I'm still learning how to do that. 

So what will 2021 bring? 

While I, we have no control over what will happen, I, we can control how to react. I hope I will continue to learn from the challenges I face, to let faith and not fear drive my actions or decisions, and I also hope that despite the many obstacles life brings, I can always have a positive outlook and strive to be a better person than I was the day before.

Happy New Year humans, and I hope this is your best year yet!

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