Thursday, August 25, 2016

Pic of the Day - Second Grade Homework

I've been complaining about my son's homework for three weeks now. I know it's not good to complain, but...

...his homework is killing me. Okay. So that's a bit dramatic. But. It really is. It seems like he has one project a far. That's in addition to a homework packet due every Thursday which includes math worksheets, math practice on the computer, new spelling words every week and a "spelling choice menu" that he has to complete which is rather involved. And, he has to read nightly and log his pages which his teacher checks everyday, Monday through Thursday. Did I mention every day she checks to make sure he reads? There's also a journal that comes home every Thursday for the parents to write back to their child.

Two nights ago, we were working on a PowerPoint project, and my son didn't get to bed until 10:30 p.m. You see, with after-school activities like karate and soccer, we don't make it home until well after 7 p.m. some nights, and after having dinner, the day is pretty much over, and everyone is tired. We had a Flat Stanley project to take care of last week, a state mystery box project due next week, and his teacher has high hopes for many other projects this year...including having the students write to other children in another school (pen pals) and publishing a book! Did I mention already that this is second grade!

I admire the enthusiasm, rigor and high expectations that my son's teacher has. I do. I must make that clear.  And as a teacher myself, I "use to be" a strong proponent for assigning homework. Well minimal homework...that is. But now, I can honestly say that as a mom of a second grader, on the receiving end of making sure all this homework gets completed by my son, and as a teacher who assigns homework...I'm really starting to change my view.

Research shows there is only a modest correlation between homework and academic success. Experts say homework becomes more crucial in high school and college. Then why are so many elementary school teachers assigning a boatload of homework! Kids spend the majority of their day at school. They need time to be a kid. To run around and play outside.

I really appreciated the above letter from a second grade teacher in Texas. The idea that kids should complete any incomplete work, from that day, as homework, sounds great to me. She says families should do what's been proven best for their and eat together as a family, play outside and get a good night's sleep. I dig it!

Thank you Mrs. Young. I hope many teachers will take your lead!

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