This pho eating favorite little human of mine will be thirteen (!) in one month...
Thir-TEEN! How did that happen so fast!?
As you can see, he loves to eat. For this meal, he had a generous serving of shrimp pho, a grilled pork banh mi and lychee green tea.
When I ask him to take a picture, he continues to makes faces like this...
...or this!
By the way, this is how karate started....
...and this is how it's going. He got his brown belt recently. He's almost as tall as his Master (!)
He's putting in a lot of hard work to develop his game of basketball, and it's really starting to show. That's one proud Dad, always by his side. I love these two!
Whenever I make plans to hang out with him, he always asks if his friends can come along!
But through it all, I am most proud of the young man he's growing up to be. He is honest, mature and so smart. At this young age, he's even taught me a few things. I'm amazed by this little human I helped to create.
I can't wait to see what the next 13 years will bring.
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