If you were to visit my home these days, you would find a permanent new occupant...
...my father-in-law (FIL)!
We knew this change was coming, yet it seems like it's here faster than any of us imagined. With this new addition, comes changes, patience and a new way of living life.
We are all adjusting to our shared common spaces, but I can't help but realize that it's been harder for my FIL. Think about it. He's had to give up his entire life and home in Jamaica, getting rid of everything he owned. When he arrived here, he had but a few suitcases. I wonder what goes through his mind at times. Is he sad? Does he have any regrets? Is he happy?
He does move a lot slower these days, and he doesn't say much. I know he has to create a whole new routine for himself, and I know it can't be easy at this stage of his life. I know he/we must start small, and hopefully we'll get there.
We're starting at the senior center. A chance for him to meet new friends his age means getting outside his comfort zone. So far, he's not that thrilled about going, but I keep reminding him we have to start somewhere.
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