Sunday, May 3, 2015

Five Things I'm Currently Obsessed With

1. Avocados. I can't get enough of them. With a salad or a side to any dish. They are absolutely delicious sliced and with a dash of salt.

2.  Easiest grill chicken ever.  Just marinate chicken breast in equal parts freshly squeezed lemon juice and olive oil, salt and pepper, and any herb of your choice. I use parsley. Just let it all sit for at least 10 minutes or over-night. Then grill on both sides and add more freshly squeezed lemon juice and a little butter for a fantastic finish.  I slice it up over a salad, but you can eat it with just about any side of your choice!

3. Rachel Ray grill pan. Because sometimes you just don't feel like gassing up the grill or getting the charcoal ready.  This grill pan makes it easy to grill any meat of your choice. So far I've grilled fish, shrimp and scallops in this pan.

4. Kushyfoot foot covers. These are great. They never show or slip off your feet. I bought them in black and nude. I found them at Publix, but I'm sure they can be found elsewhere.

5. Essie nail polish in Limo-Scene. I've worn it every day for the past two weeks! Love it!

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