Friday, July 3, 2015

All By Myself...but Not Really

So.  I have a dilemma.

It's something that's been on my life's "to do" list for several years now. I've tried to do it before, but it hasn't happened...yet. And I feel like if I don't do it tomorrow, the opportunity will never present itself again...

It all started back in March when a friend of mine asked me to join her running group for the largest 10K in the world! Yup, the Peachtree Road Race honey!!! And I signed up, one, well because I wanted to do it and two, because we were supposedly running it as a group.

Anyways.  Leading up to the race, there was talk of practice runs together and even plans of spending the night in a hotel, downtown, the night before the big event. I was psyched! Then one week before the race, I discover all the plans are just unraveling right before my very eyes. As it turns out, this group isn't even running together!!! Due to the over 60,000 participants, runners are released in waves (A through Y) and since we're all in different waves, said group is starting at different times. And because it's my first time, guess who's wave is like the last one? Yup, you guessed it. Mine! Boo hoo!!!!

Let's just say I was very disappointed. I mean the reason I signed up to even do this race was primarily because it was presented to me as a "group" thing. I mean...who wants to run the world's largest 10K solo???!!! No offense if you do.  I don't.

I was moping around feeling sorry for myself and I was even singing that song, "All By Myself," you know, the song by Celine Dion, mostly being dramatic to The Hubs, and you know what he said to me? "You won't be alone, there'll be thousands of people running it with you." Ha! What a comedian! But he did get me to laugh out loud. Life happens, plans change, and people don't always do what they say they will.  I can't let that get me down.  Life is 10% what happens, and 90% how I react to it, right?

So.  It seems like I have a decision to make. I can either put my dream on hold because of fear.  Or.  I can get my ass out there and run like a girl!

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