Monday, March 14, 2016

On Creativity

As a mom, I know I have a smart kid. And I'm not saying that to brag or anything. I mean which mom doesn't think her kid is smart?  I've invested a lot of time in my son, making sure he's learning, he's reading, he's well grounded, he's kind and respectful, and he's surrounded by the right people who can influence him positively.

But there's just one area where I think I may have fallen short...

And that area is creativity.

A few months back, Buddy Roller's teacher sent home some paperwork asking for permission to test him for gifted education.  We filled out the paperwork and sent it back. Me, I was holding my breath waiting for the results. Smart...I know he is. Gifted...I wanted them to determine. 

Months later, his teacher would call to give me the news.  With excitement and enthusiasm his teacher told me he had been, indeed, accepted into the program.  He went on to tell me how this would be great for Buddy Roller and would open so many doors for him in his learning and his future, really. I was thrilled. 

But it wasn't until I saw his actual scores that I started thinking...

Had I somehow contributed to his lack of creativity?

You see Roller did really well in all areas of his testing. With one exception. Creativity. Was it that I had handpicked his clothes every day for so many years? Was it building all those Lego sets with their "follow-along" instructions that took away all the creativity? Perhaps I should have had him create his own designs. Had I somehow thought for him and acted for him in so many ways and made every decision that his creativity didn't have a chance to grow and blossom?  Was every minute of my child's day so structured that he didn't have time to be a kid and be creative? Was I too neat and tidy and not messy enough to foster that creative artistic side that sometimes comes with paint, and dirt, and some untidiness?


The good news is...there's hope.  I've heard and read that creativity is something we can work on. I think in little ways like even day to day problem solving, creativity can be increased. Asking questions like how and why a a start. Playing mind games and doing more artistic things also help. Bring on the dirt and's about to get messy around here!!!

I'll tell you one thing. I'm aware of this shortfall, and I'm on a mission to change it. I'll let you know how it goes...

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