Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Why It's Not a Good Idea to Write at Night

 I was beginning to think I was going to have writer's block every day. I had all these great ideas to write about, but at the end of the day, late at night, when I began to blog...I couldn't find the words. Any words...

And then one Saturday morning, I woke up, and I was writing just fine. Ideas were coming to me so fast, and I was just pluggin' away.  And it occurred to me...it wasn't writer's block I was experiencing. I was just tired. Okay exhausted. I call it teacher tired. There's nothing like teacher tired. You are just so spent, the best thing to do is haul your tired tooshie to bed! You are no good to your child, your husband, anyone...let alone yourself. You become impatient, whiny even, and  you make no darn sense.

Just go to bed!

There is no tired like teacher tired!

Spring break where are you??!!

Where I'd like to be right now...on a beach in Florida :-)

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