Sunday, June 19, 2016

Dear Dad

Dear Dad.  We've been together my whole life...almost seven years now. And since it's Father's Day, I wanted to tell you thank you for being a great Dad. Here are all the reasons why I'm glad you're my Dad, and I'm your son...

For as long as I can remember, you've always been there for me.

One of the things I love about you is, you're a cool Dad. You're never too grown, to ride in a car, with me, at the amusement park.

You've been to all my soccer games and practice...even on really cold days.  You've even tied my shoelaces.

Thank you for introducing me to karate and helping me practice. You were even there when I broke my first boards.

You take me to fun places like the beach, and you even helped me learn how to swim!

We've been to fun places like D.C., and I rode my first big Ferris wheel with you. Dad, for as long as I know, you've always been by my side.

One thing's for sure, you definitely know how to have a good time.

You taught me how to play pool, and you've played fun games with me, like Mancala.

You've also shown me how to putt and even let me play on that jumpy thingy at the mall.

Thank you for driving me to school every morning and singing those church songs with me...I know all the words now. You even let me drive your car when I ask. I get to sit on your lap, but we only do this in my neighborhood. Don't worry folks. I'm not really driving. My feet can't even touch the pedals.  Mommy never lets me do that!

Remember when I had field day at school? Don't worry I know you had to work, but I'm glad you came if even for a few minutes.

You also help me with school projects, Dad. You know how to draw straight lines and you can think of cool stuff!

And remember when you took me to the circus and you bought me a sword? I do! I know I have like a million at home already, but I really wanted this one. Thanks Dad!

You've introduced me to some really good food over the years.  And even Sprite that mommy doesn't like me to have at all. Don't worry; I can keep a secret.  I won't tell her how much we've had.

 You even share your yummy desserts with me. That must mean you really love me.

Thank you. Thank you.  For not taking me shopping to all those girly places for pillows and home stuff. When mommy drags me shopping, I could end up in the shopping cart like on this day. At least I had the iPad!

You don't take me to the dentist...I'm truly happy for that. Mommy drags me there like a couple times each year.

Another thing I must tell you thanks for, is not taking sooo many pictures of me. Mommy takes a picture of me every chance she gets. I mean she takes a lot of pictures. A lot. I mean...look at this picture she took of me when we went to the science museum...

Look at my face! Do I look happy? And these. Who does that???  These selfies of us.  Must.  End.

It's like this stuff makes her so happy. I'm just glad, with you, there's never so many pictures...even though it's because of Mom why we even have these pictures.

Dad, besides doing fun stuff with me, you also teach me to be a better person. Like when we make sandwiches to feed the homeless.

Or when you make me drop and give you ten push-ups when I start complaining or something like that.

You challenge me to do things I'm afraid rock climbing or a ropes course. I know I can count on you because you're always there to catch me if I fall.

Thank you Dad for always supporting me, and taking care of me. You're always there to get me at the end of a giant water slide.

Thank you Dad for always loving me and Mom. Even with all the billion pictures and all.

Thank you Dad for giving me the best seat in the house.

Thank you Dad.  You really are the world's greatest Dad.

And for last year's tribute to The Hubs, click here.

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