Friday, October 17, 2014

TGIF - I Really Live for Fridays

I  have seriously missed blogging, but things are really busy right now. I think I've bitten off more than I can chew with work and taking a graduate level course. But you know what? There is never a dull moment, and I've been quite happy most of the time juggling everything.

On the home front, things are also running smoothly.  The Hubs and I worked out a new schedule that suits every one.  We are all able to get more sleep, making us all happier at the end of the day. Love that we were able to see this error and make a change that really benefits the whole family.

The weather has cooled down quite a bit here in Hotlanta! Fall is really making its presence known.  You can feel the cool crisp air early in the morning and even during early evening. I'm looking forward to the many fall festivities with family and friends.

And now that it's cooler, I can really start to enjoy hot treats like tea with sugar and they do in Jamaica.

And here are just a few silly photos taken this past week. Buddy Roller, who by the way is Batman this year, is super excited about Halloween. So we stopped by a local costume store and had a little fun trying on hats and masks and other things.

Have a wonderful, restful weekend, and make it count.  Monday is just around the corner!

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