Saturday, April 25, 2015

It Lasted Only 12 Days

I tried.  And I was doing really well.  I was eating lots of fruits and vegetables. In between meals, when I felt hungry, I would reach for a fruit or nuts instead of junk. I was doing well.  Even when there was bad food around me, I held strong and resolved to say "no." And it worked. I was determined.

I discovered a few things these last 12 days.  One.  I was over-eating way too much. Two. I don't have to have dessert and I can go without it. I did it for 12 days, and I survived. Three.  Eating less made me feel lighter, and I had more energy. Compared to over eating which made me feel lazy and sluggish.  I'm so glad I was able to do this for 12 days. I love what it feels like to eat healthier and it beats how I used to feel.

But then.  Thursday night came. I went to a meeting at my church and they had these irresistible pistachio macaroons, and I wanted to try them. Have you ever had them? They are delicious! Also, my mom is in town and she made one of my favorite dishes...stew another favorite. Her pound cake! These I could not turn down.

And yes, this is a setback.  A minor one. I won't eat like this every day. I'll be eating healthier most of the time. Maybe I'll just take a little break.  Every 12 days.

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