Sunday, April 12, 2015

Still Hungry on Day Two

It's day two of my 30 day eating plan, and one thing's for sure. Since I've been eating lighter, I don't really feel full after any meal. Before, I suppose I was loading up on all the heavy stuff...rice, pasta, potatoes, etc....and honestly, I always ate a little bit more even when I felt full. And even after feeling full, it seems I always had room for dessert.  Now I find I'm eating less and not feeling as full. I guess it makes sense.  Who wants to eat more lettuce when eating French fries or cake tastes so much better!!!  Right??? And that's precisely why I'm choosing to change my habits. 

I've got to re-train my brain that making healthier choices is the better way to go. I'll be the first one to admit that I don't think I could eat this way for the rest of my life. Once the 30 days are up, I'm sure I'll be incorporating other not so healthy foods into my diet, but I hope the portions will be much less than I've had in the past and all in moderation. Or who knows! Maybe I'll never have cake again! LOL! Who am I kidding!

Today I ate a banana and other fruits for breakfast. For lunch I had tuna on romaine lettuce with an apple. The Hubs grilled today, so I had a hot dog and a hamburger with onions and peppers sans the bread.  Eating with my family today was hard.  There was mac and cheese and potato chips which were very tempting, but I stayed strong.  Inevitably, there will be more temptations, but I just have to remain focus and determined. 

What's been helping with the hunger pangs? Grabbing a handful of almonds here and there have helped to subdue my hunger along with drinking lots of water. Also staying active! I've found riding my bike or playing basketball outside with Buddy Roller and The Hubs have kept my mind off of food!

So far it hasn't been too torturous, but I have also been in a very controlled environment at home these last two days. What worries me is returning to school tomorrow. Long days and hunger pangs mean I need to be prepared and have my arsenal of healthy foods available and ready!

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