Sunday, August 23, 2015

Would You Travel Alone?

I've eaten alone. Gone to the movies alone. I've even ran the world's largest 10K in the world...alone. But this I have never done.

So. Would you? Travel alone?

And I don't just mean getting on a plane alone and then meeting friends or family at your destination. I mean getting on a plane solo, traveling to a new state or some exotic new yourself...and spending the remainder of that trip by yourself?

Could you do it? Would you?

Sure...I've traveled by myself, on a plane, and met up with friends or family. But I've never spent several days, by myself, on my own excursion. Then I came across this article, and it got me thinking.

Traveling alone can be liberating. It can give you a sense of accomplishment. It can give you much needed time to yourself, peace and quiet, especially if you need to contemplate a big decision, or if you've just been through something traumatic in your life, and need time to reflect.

I think this is something I would definitely do. It would have to be somewhere peaceful and beautiful, and most definitely safe. I'm thinking more of like a yoga retreat or some meditation retreat. Julia Roberts in Eat, Pray, Love definitely comes to mind.

What about you? Would you do it? Would you travel alone?

Photo Credits: Trip 30, HD Wall Papers Fit, Zon News.

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