Friday, January 29, 2016

Tip #11 - Change your Seating Chart...Often

I love seating charts, and I've used them throughout my entire teaching career. They help me see the big strong students, those who are struggling, and how to pair and group students for the most beneficial outcome.

I've also been known to change my seating charts...often. This changes things up a bit and keeps the kids on their toes. Often times a behavior issue, or problems with lack of focus and distractibility, can be easily fixed with something as small as a seat change.

I'm constantly assessing and re-assessing my seating chart, figuring out the best environment for my students. First of the year, mid-semester, after the holiday break, before high-stakes testing, after spring break, the last week of school...anytime is a good time to change up the seating arrangement.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Tip #10 - No Need to Reinvent the Wheel

If you're a teacher, then you have access to a plethora of teaching tools, resources and strategies right at your fingertips by way of the very wise teachers that are already in your school.

And this brings me to tip number ten from a so-called veteran teacher...

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

He Turned 70 Today

Know how you just know the birthdays of the special people in your life? You don't need a reminder or anything. Right around that date, you're just aware of the special occasion coming up.

I know the birthdays of my friends, my family, my mom and my sister. But there's just one birthday I'm never really certain about.

And this morning, I was notified of his birthday when my cell phone reminded me...

Wedded Wednesdays - Who Do You Adore?

A wise man once said, "What you do speaks so loudly I cannot hear what you're saying." The notion...that our actions speak more than our words because we can all talk a good game, but it all comes down to what we actually do.

The Hubs uses this quote quite often.  But I've found that I've never heard these words more clearly than now...

Monday, January 25, 2016

Tip #9 - Plan for Your Unplanned Absence

If you teach, and you're a mom to a young child, then you're already aware that your sick days are not for you. They are for your child. And they are for you, to stay home, and take care of said child who is invariably always sick....way too often.

I would almost never miss work, even when I'm sick. Except that I have a young child, who has asthma. Did you know that it's common for children to catch a cold, between nine and 12 times a year!!!  That's not good news if your child has asthma, well because asthma can make even the common cold...a disaster! Take my word for it. Been there. Done that!

So. Hopefully you'll never need to use tip #9 from a so-called veteran teacher, but if you do, here you go...

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Would You?

So.  I witnessed something a while ago that I've contemplated writing about. But now that there's been some distance between said event and now...why not.

Here's the scenario.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

The 300th Post and My Favorite 20

Wow! It's hard to believe, but this is going on my second year of blogging, and this makes post number 300!!!

I remember when I first considered starting a blog. Two of my friends had planted a seed, and told me to start one. I thought about it a loooong time. It took me days, and days, and days to create it, even longer to make the template just right.  I agonized over my first post. Reading and re-reading, editing and re-editing. Will anyone read it? What will people think of me? What will I share? How much should I share? Should I put my stuff out there for just anyone to read? I can be really OCD at times!

Friday, January 22, 2016

100 Days of School

Believe it or not, today marks 100 days kids have been in school in Gwinnett county.  And if you have a child in elementary school, then you've probably heard something about a "100th day of school project." Right?  Basically, 100 days is a milestone worth celebrating at school, and kids get to practice their math and counting creating a project and using 100 items of their choice.

Well.  After pondering several options, here's Buddy Roller's project which involves one of his favorite vegetables...

Thursday, January 21, 2016

When You Share a Birthday

Chica (left) and me (right)

Every birthday I think of her. I know it's because I was born on her second birthday. So...for as long as I've been alive, my special day has always been hers too.

Growing up, we shared birthday parties, and you know what? That never bothered me. In fact, it was all we knew.

So on this my 42nd birthday, it's no surprise the first person I think her.  My sister. Growing up, we were close. During our teens, we fought. As adults, it seems we've managed to accept each other...for who we are.

This past weekend, I attended a baby shower for one of my dear friends. During her shower, she thanked her sister and told her she was her favorite sister (even though she's her only sister).  I loved what she said about her sister. It was sweet, and it was the truth.

So. Happy birthday Chica! You are my most favorite sister.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Chalk Talk - Teaching Principles

Throughout my teaching career, I've accumulated several "tools" for my teaching toolbox...tried-and-true principles that have worked for me.  I started to compile them this school year as a way to journal one of the most fulfilling careers I will ever have.

Here's a recap of my teaching tips so far (all in one post) if you'd like to see...

Monday, January 18, 2016

House Rule

New Year. New Rules. Right?

I think Buddy Roller has outgrown time-outs. That's for 4-year-olds.  Now it's time for the big leagues. And that's why we've implemented a new rule in our house...

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Tip #8 - Count Your Rainbows

The teacher who shares an adjoining room with me gave me a beautiful calendar, full of wisdom, for Christmas. And this month's inspirational words are very timely. Especially in this second semester of the school year.

So.  Here goes tip number 8 from a so-called veteran teacher...

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Favorite TV Show

What's your favorite TV show?

I didn't have a "current" favorite show until a few weeks ago, and it all started with a bit of curiosity...

Thursday, January 7, 2016

This One Got Me Thinking

I finished reading this book last night and cried the last four chapters or so. I had started reading it months ago, but because of life, it just sat on my night stand for a few months waiting to be reopened.  For so many reasons this book has resonated with me, and despite it's surprise ending with a huge twist, it's left me thinking and thinking.  Now a book that has the ability to do that, long after you've finished reading it, is a good one, wouldn't you say?

I promise I won't spoil it for you if you decide to read it...which you should. Really.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Mondays with Roller

One year ago, during this exact time, I started posting Six Word Memoirs.  This first post explains what they're all about. And then I came across this one...Mondays with Roller...which pretty much sums up how fast Buddy Roller is growing up, and how I'm savoring these years every chance I get.

That's all this Monday.

Monday Humor

A friend of mine posted this cartoon to my Facebook page. These are my sentiments exactly. It's so hard to go back to reality after more than two weeks off. I know. I know. I get no sympathy because teachers get a lot of time off. But. Just saying.

It's still hard.

Friday, January 1, 2016

What I Want to Gain in 2016

Now that 2015 is old news, I'm looking forward to 2016 with some anticipation.  I'm not big on New Year's resolutions; here's how I feel about that.  While some people are planning to hit the gym to lose those unwanted pounds (Really? Why do you need a new year to decide to be healthy?), I'm more focused on what I want to gain this new year.