Sunday, May 8, 2016

Collecting Moments 11

It is one of the hardest jobs, and yet one of the most rewarding! I wouldn't be a MOM without this little guy.  He melts my heart, and makes me happy to be living and enjoying one of the best roles I've been privileged to hold...MOTHER.

Every Mother's Day is special, and this one was no different.

Take a look...

I think we can all agree that some of the best gifts in life are the ones that are hand-made and come from the heart. This Mother's Day I was brought to tears, yet again, by the gifts from Buddy Roller.

I must add that none of these would be possible without the guidance of Roller's first grade teacher. That must be said, and I'm so thankful for what teachers do everyday.  

First up...a coupon book good for hugs, vacuuming a room, a night out, breakfast in bed with "help from dad," baking cookies "with help from dad," and one load of laundry.  Cool, right? And so thoughtful!

A hand-made gift I'll keep forever.

And this letter is what brought me to tears!

 And this card...made me laugh out loud!

Happy Mother's Day!

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